The Quest for the Illusive “They”

Truths by Ruth

My twin brother, Jim has a great sense of humor. He can be extremely quick with a comeback and is very witty at times. He’s had me rolling on the floor with laughter more than once. A particularly memorable time in Branson comes to mind when I laughed so hard at one of his off-handed comments, I about peed my pants. Sometimes, it isn’t what he says but more the way he says it that sends me into a fit of guffaws. Through the years, Jim has sent emails that made me laugh out loud and marvel at his insight and wit. At one time I was printing these little gems out and saving them but, alas, two moves later I’ve lost them.

Recently, Jim had a bout with pneumonia. He’s recovering now but still has health issues that make me cringe. We were emailing back and forth last Friday…

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Karma and The Golden Rule

Truths by Ruth

Daddy was a Christian Scientist, therefore my brother and I were raised in this religion. Mama was a Methodist. How did this work? Well, if my brother and I became sick, Daddy prayed over us while Mama poked pills down our throat. The best of two worlds to my way of thinking.

Now before I go any further, I need to add this disclaimer: even though I was raised in Christian Science, what I actually know about the religion is very little. As a child the phrase, “oh you don’t believe in doctors” was the standard response when asked what faith I was. This is not true. Christian Scientists know doctors serve a very important cause, they just choose to seek healing by prayer instead of medicine. Also, please know, I am in no way, shape, or form bashing the Christian Science religion. I have received numerous healings from Daddy’s…

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Body and Soul

Truths by Ruth

In my youth I was a lean, mean fighting machine.

I was a sport’s nut. Softball. Basketball. Track. Even football. In fact, a High School football coach once told Mama if I were a boy, I’d be a star running back. (Alas, at that time, girls were only cheerleaders or majorettes. Too boring for me.) I was in the best shape of my life when I was a Girl Scout camp counselor. All that climbing hills, walking, swimming, and canoeing plus the sun’s rays sculptured me into a tanned, buff goddess. Ionic, at that time in my life, I was not aware of my lean, hard shape. I could less. I took my great health and frame for granted.

Today, however, my slim, muscled physique is kinda . . . well, squishy. I look in the mirror, and hate what I see. I tell myself, “Ruth, you’re so fat. Look…

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The Power of Music

Truths by Ruth

William Congreve said, “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast (sometimes beast), to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”

Sometimes I wax philosophical, usually after a couple of drinks. There are times, however, I get deep without the aid of good bourbon and in the most unlikely places. For example, Monday morning driving to work.

I’m not a morning person. Never have been. Never will be. If I could work 10-5 and get paid for 8 hours, I would be in seventh heaven. Alas, my employer isn’t as enlightened, so I am on the road at 7:30 more grumpy than any cat could ever imagine. Road rage runs amok. My brow tightens into a frown so intense it hurts. I swear at the radio. I bitch and complain out loud to no one. I am not a happy camper nor do I wish to pretend that I am…

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